The Fay Creek Riparian Habitat Restoration Project is an ongoing, community-based project occurring in southwestern Sonoma County near the town of Bodega, on private land bordering Fay Creek, a tributary of Salmon Creek. Project activities along a 1 mile creek corridor include livestock exclusion, biotechnical repair of a badly eroding streambank, and the restoration of natural riparian forest and scrub communities to 7 acres of formerly cultivated stream terrace sites.
These activities provide long-range benefits for wildlife, most notably the endangered steelhead trout, the California freshwater shrimp, the northern spotted owl, and a host of neotropical migratory songbirds. They also provide community volunteers, who have so far donated more than 1000 hours of their time, with opportunities for hands-on creek restoration.
Sources of funds include: the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Partners for Wildlife Program; the Natural Resources Conservation Service's Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP); a grant from the Sonoma County Fish and Wildlife Advisory Board; and landowner contribution. The project is sponsored by the Bodega Land Trust.